Online threats are only increasing, and the internet can be an extremely dangerous place if you have not taken preventative measures. Sometimes websites may become unavailable when they suffer from “denial of service” hacks. In other cases, millions of email addresses, passwords, and even financial details (including file credit card details) are stolen and leaked.

The value of data can be paramount. If the websites want to prevent embarrassment and hacking attempts, they should be aware of the measures of cyber security for web development. Website developers can ensure that sensitive information is safeguarded during the development phase of the website itself. A leading web development agency in Oklahoma City can always ensure a secure website. Below are the important measures of cyber security for web development.

Secure Coding

Websites may face a plethora of hacking attempts and malicious attacks (including SQL injections, phishing, malware, cross-site scripting, and others. Following secure coding techniques and practices can ensure that a website can prevent many such malicious online attacks. Some of the secure coding practices for web development followed by an expert website development company in OKC include:

  • Data Sanitization/Input Validation: user input validation and the sanitization of data is an important measure for preventing the vectors responsible for online attacks and hacking. Some measures include cross-site scripting and code injection.
  • Preventing any Insecure Dependencies: dependencies should be regularly patched and updated to reduce exploitation risk and to know the vulnerability.
  • Authorization/Authentication: authentication and authorization can be important measures for restricting access and for preventing unauthorized use of sensitive functionalities and data.


A website must possess certificates including SSL (Secure Sockets Layer and TLS (Transport Layer Security) to provide additional financial and network security to the users. Implementing the HTTPS protocol for the website also strengthens the encryption algorithms and configures the necessary secure protocols. Such certificates are critical for safeguarding credit cards and other financial information.

Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scans

Web developers should emphasize conducting penetration tests and vulnerability scans regularly to identify security-related weaknesses at the right time. They can also work with security professionals in implementing more robust and modern security measures and for a comprehensive assessment of the security configuration of a website.

Additional Measures

Fortunately, technology today offers many more inputs for improving the security of a website, to web developers. 2FA (2-factor Authentication) is an additional security layer for securing online access. WAF (Web Application Firewall) can provide security against online attacks and filter/prevent malicious web traffic. Regular security patches and updates, a secure and reliable hosting environment, and improving user awareness/education are also important measures for website security. Fortunately, expert developers from a leading and reputed website development company use the latest and comprehensive measures for secure web development.


Websites can prevent reputational damage, and monetary loss, and can conserve the user’s trust by ensuring authentic cyber security practices during web development. Engaging and hiring a leading web development agency in OKC can ensure that you can build a secure website that is tuned in to provide you with better returns on investments as well.


Contact Us:


Address: 930A Robtrice Ct F, Edmond, OK 73034, United States
Phone: (888) 379-2604

Security in Web Development: Protecting Your Website from Cyber Threats