Chiropractic therapy is a form of alternative medicine that can have numerous benefits for patients. An expert chiropractor in Longview Tx is certified after obtaining chiropractic education from licensed and certified colleges and institutes.

Chiropractic Therapy versus Traditional Medication

Chiropractic therapy is especially useful for certain musculoskeletal and nervous disorders. However, chiropractic therapy also has the same objective for treating back pain and neck pain as traditional medicine and treatment. The difference is that chiropractic therapy aims to deal with mechanical issues such as spinal and skeletal alignment.

While traditional medicine may depend on medications and surgery for treating pain issues, chiropractic therapy is efficient for dealing with such issues without any surgery. A leading chiropractor in Longview Tx will carry out musculoskeletal adjustments to address issues including incorrect alignment. Chiropractic therapy can correct the underlying alignment issues and reduce this comfort and pain without any medications or surgery. It also effectively reduces soreness and swelling through rehabilitation/relaxation techniques and other measures.

Any pain condition that does not require surgery can be treated with chiropractic therapy. In case the patient requires surgery, the chiropractor will refer the patient to the general practitioner (GP).

Benefits of Chiropractic Therapy over General Medicine

Many of the neck and lower back pain issues can be effectively treated with chiropractic therapy. People who are informed can escape the medication and surgery (and the cost) by choosing chiropractic therapy and consulting a leading and expert Longview chiropractor first. Below are some of the remarkable benefits of chiropractic therapy over general medicine procedures.

  • Chiropractic therapy does not involve any medication or surgery and depends on muscular-skeletal adjustment and body realignment for therapy and relief from pain and its comfort. Therefore, chiropractic therapy is a more cost-effective measure to deal with pain issues.
  • Since chiropractic therapy does not require any medication, the patient never suffers from overdosing. Prescription medications may cause overdosing, which can be a serious health condition.
  • Tolerance to medications is a widespread problem found in patients who take medications for all kinds of health issues. When a patient becomes tolerant to a medication, the medicine no longer exerts the necessary effects and does not provide relief from pain.
  • Chiropractic therapy also ensures that patients can escape and prevent addiction to pain medications are their side effects.
  • Chiropractic therapy is a noninvasive measure of treatment that does not require any surgical procedure. Thus, the patients need not be hospitalized for treatment when they choose chiropractic therapy over traditional medicine.
  • Chiropractic therapy does not cause anxiety as it does for many patients who undergo medications and surgery.


Chiropractic therapy and musculoskeletal alignments can effectively treat issues including muscle/joint pain, chronic neck and back pain, limited motion range, and headaches. You can avoid taking medications or undergoing surgery by choosing chiropractic therapy over traditional medicine in most cases. The licensed and skilled chiropractors in Longview have the necessary education and expertise to provide the treatment in the qualifying cases and refer the patients to other doctors and general practitioners when it is necessary.


Contact Us:

Woods Chiropractic Center

Address:111 Community Blvd, Longview, TX 75605
Phone: (903) 668-2787

Chiropractic vs. Traditional Medicine: Which Is Right for You?