Outside of a hospital, a Nursing home in Woodbury is usually the greatest degree of care for older people. Nursing homes provide custodial care, which includes assistance with getting in and out of bed, as well as eating, washing, and clothing. Nursing homes, on the other hand, differ from other senior living options in that they also provide high-quality medical care. Each patient’s treatment is overseen by a licensed physician, and a nurse or other medical expert is almost always present. On-site skilled nursing care is normally available 24 hours a day. Other medical professionals are also accessible, such as occupational or physical therapists. This permits medical operations and therapies to be performed on-site, which would not be possible in other types of living.

As our population ages, more of us will be forced to consider relocating ourselves or a loved one into a nursing or convalescent facility. It could be a hasty decision after a hospitalization or a gradual decision as needs grow increasingly difficult to meet in other forms of accommodation. Moving might be stressful, but by learning everything you can about nursing homes, you can alleviate your concerns and make the best option for you or a loved one.

What Kind of Care Can You Get at a Nursing Home?

Nursing homes provide the most comprehensive care available outside of a hospital. Nursing facilities provide both janitorial and skilled care, such as assistance with bathing, dressing, and eating. A registered nurse provides skilled nursing care, which includes medical monitoring and treatments.

Services offered by specifically trained specialists, such as occupational, physical, and respiratory therapists, are included in skilled care.

What Kinds of Services Do Nursing Homes Provide?

The services provided by nursing homes differ from one facility to the next. Typical services include:

  • Boarding and lodging
  • Medication monitoring
  • Personal attention (including bathing, dressing, and toilet assistance)
  • Emergency services are available around clock.
  • Recreational and social activities

What Is the Best Way to Locate a Nursing Home?

It takes time to find the proper nursing home. It’s critical to start looking for an appropriate nursing home well ahead of time before applying for admission. There are frequently substantial wait times for suitable lodging. Moving into a nursing home can also be made much easier if you plan. Discuss what services you’ll require with your family and caregivers. Before phoning around to different nursing homes, think about what services are important to you.

How often do I require assistance?

Ask about vacancies, admission standards, level of care provided, and participation in government-funded health insurance alternatives before organizing a visit to the nursing homes you’re interested in.

Other types of elder living vs. nursing homes

Nursing homes provide some of the best medical and custodial care available. If you’re not sure if you or a loved one will require that kind of care in the long run, look into alternative options for senior housing, such as home care, to determine what will work best for you.

What should I expect when I visit a care home?

Skilled nursing facilities normally have a hospital-like ambiance, with personnel providing physical and psychological care through occupational therapy, counseling, and other methods.


Outside of a hospital, a nursing home is usually the greatest degree of care for older people. A nursing home in Woodbury provides custodial care, which includes assistance with getting in and out of bed, washing, clothing, and feeding.

The Amsterdam At Harborside Also Offers Following Services:

Alzheimer’s Long Island

Amsterdam House NYC

Assisted Living Garden City

Independent Living Community Long Island

Contact US:

The Amsterdam at Harborside
Address: 300 E Overlook, Port Washington, NY
Phone: 516-472-6636

Nursing Homes- Services and Overview